Company Profile

Abacus was established in 1997 to give PC, network and software support to small businesses. Our experience was of working for engineering companies who required performance and control to MoD, AQAP, BSI and ISO standards.

We had seen the flexibility and price performance of desktop computer systems overtake those of midrange systems.

Our aim was to extend this power into small businesses that did not have the resources of an in-house IT department, using inexpensive Windows based Office software.

In 1998 we used these principles to develope a Stock Control System for a Customer in the SuperAlloy business. He could not find a suitable cost effective solution which would deliver the management controls required.

This software became the basis of a Materials Management System suitable for commercial metal stockist. The product has now been further developed and successfully implemented in a variety of different applications.


© Abacus PC Support Services - 01527 503666